Everything You Need to Know to Host a Successful Virtual Marketing Event

Everything You Need to Know to Host a Successful Virtual Marketing Event

Kathleen Reed
Kathleen Reed
August 17, 2021

If you’re like most event marketers, the last year has signaled a massive shift from in-person to virtual events. While going from hosting or attending a huge conference or on-site event to sitting in front of a Zoom screen for hours on end may be a bit jarring at first, this transition should be viewed as a much-needed addition to the event marketing industry.


While the return of in-person events is on the horizon, the rise of virtual marketing events has shown the industry a new way of connecting with customers and prospects face-to-face that doesn’t need to involve hundreds of other people. Instead, event marketers should be looking ahead to a mix of in-person and virtual events that can complement each other and serve different purposes, depending on your team goals.


With this future strategy in mind, your team should not hold back when hosting virtual marketing events. Whether you’ve hosted multiple virtual events and are looking for a refresher or if you’re just now getting started with virtual event marketing, this primer can get you up and running – successfully – in no time.

Download our ebook: Everything You Need to Know to Host a Successful Virtual Marketing Event

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