Help Center Article
User access overview
In Circa, there are 4 access control roles: Workspace Admin, Team Member, Event Staff, and Visitor.
Most of the articles in this Help Center are organized by these roles, so it is worth taking a moment to understand them.

Workspace Admin
Admins can view and update all Events, Teams and Settings in a Workspace
Admins can:
- Create and export Reports, including by scheduled email
- Create and publish Event Calendars
- Create and publish Event Request Forms
- Customize the default Event Brief Template
Admins are automatically added as a Team Members to all Teams in a Workspace.
Team Member
Team Members can view and update all of the Events in their Team(s).
Team Members can:
- Add or remove other Team Members
- Create, update, and delete Events in their Team(s)
- View and export Reports for their Team(s)
- Serve as Reviewers on Event Request Forms
- Customize individual Event Briefs
Note that Team Members can also be Staffers on Events that are not in their Team(s).
Event Staff
Event Staff can have Full or Limited access to individual Events.
Full access
- Can view and update Event Info
- Can manage Checklists, Budgets, Vendors, Attachments and Notes
- Can add or remove other Event Staff
- Customize individual Event Briefs
Limited access
- Can only view Event Info
- Can only view and update Tasks they've been assigned
- Cannot change due date or delete assigned Tasks
- Cannot view the Event Budget
- Cannot update the Event Brief
Event Staff do not count against the Team Member seats in a Subscription. There is no limit on the number of Event Staff that a Workspace can have.
Visitors do not have accounts in a Workspace.
Visitors have view only-access to published resources, such as Event Calendars and Briefs. Visitors can also view and submit Event Request Forms.

Visitors may be anonymous or authenticated by one-click SSO, depending on the visibility settings of the published resource.
There is no limit on the number of Visitors that a Workspace can have.